Friday, July 2, 2010

The Dining Room of the HOPE Soup Kitchen.

The HOPE Soup kitchen's kitchen.

Carol Troum, the director of the Hope Soup kitchen holding a bag of our organic freshly picked string beans.

Hope Soup kitchen.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Our first harvest-June 30, 2010. We picked 1/200th of a ton of string beans. Not bad!

Not quite ready yet. Still needs another week or two.

Anyone have any good recipes?

Gardening is fun.

Looking good!

Hoe, Hoe, Hoe, a gardening we will go.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Where did they put the door? Somebody let me out of here!

This metal detector isn't working very well. I haven't found any gold yet, but I'm still looking.

These are some very thirsty seeds. Maybe next year we can dig our own well.

Temple Israel Gothic.

These weren't the seeds I ordered!

We can't wait to see the new seedlings grow!

So, what is an heirloom tomato anyway?

Planting 150 year old heirloom tomato seeds is fun.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Our new mascot. Definitely not an "eensy weensy" spider.

No deer allowed!

We're standing on Canadian soil and we don't even need a passport.
(Who knew that peat moss is grown in Canada?)

Does anyone have a good recipe for "Stone Soup"?

Clergy please bless these seeds we want to sow.

Temple Israel Garden

Inch by inch, row by row, we're going to make our organic garden grow.
All it takes is some rakes and hoes and a piece of fertile ground.